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Psychotest Practicing

Logical Reasoning 2

The psychological test of logical reasoning ability is intended to measure and evaluate the ability to think logically, that is to find the truth in accordance with facts and syllogism. In this case, according to the information provided / given. In the world of work this capability is very much needed, especially in the need for activities that prioritize skills in logical and methodical thinking.

Question Guide :
Choose one most appropriate answer based on some brief information provided. Then, the box in front of the question number, filled with letters a, b, c, or d as your answer choices. Do the easy first quickly and thoroughly. The time given is quite long, which is 40 minutes. If 40 minutes is up, stop immediately.Then please click "See the Results (Answer Key)", and you will know the value / result, and the answers that are FALSE and TRUE. --- Good Practice ---

Please fill in the boxes below with letters a, b, c, or d

1. All tourists always visit cities that have local arts. Cibinong City (Bogor) has many local arts. So:
a. Only a few tourists visit Cibinong City (Bogor)
b. Some tourists do not visit Cibinong City (Bogor).
c. All who visit Cibinong City (Bogor) are tourists.
d. All tourists always visit Cibinong City (Bogor).

2. All teachers are civil servants; Some teachers are writers. Which statement does not match the statement above?
a. Some authors are civil servants
b. Some civil servants are teachers.
c. Some writers are teachers.
d. All writers are civil servants.

3. All seasons last three months. Some seasons are cold. So :
a. All seasons that are cold last three months.
b. Not all seasons last three months.
c. All seasons are cold in three months.
d. Some seasons do not last for three months.

4. No vegetables can grow in the desert. Cacti are not vegetables. So:
a. Cacti are not desert plants.
b. Cacti can grow in the desert. sand.
c. No cactus grows in the desert.
d. All cacti only grow in the desert.

5. All students who study must pass the exam. Some students who pass the exam do not study. So:
a. All students study
b. All students study and pass the exam
c. Some students study and pass the exam
d. All students who do not study do not pass the exam

6. All tigers are meat eaters. Some animals are tigers. So:
a. All meat eaters are tigers
b. Some tigers are meat eaters
c. meat-eating animals
d. a, b, c are not correct answers

7. All rivers flow towards the sea. Some rivers have strong currents. So:
a. Some rivers that have heavy flow do not go to the sea
b. Some rivers flow do not go to the sea with a fast flow.
c. Some rivers that have a fast flow go to the sea.
d. All the fast flowing rivers will go to the sea.

8. All sweet fruits have caterpillars. Some ripe fruits are sweet. So:
a. Some ripe fruits have caterpillars
b. Some sweet fruits have caterpillars
c. All ripe fruit caterpillars
d. Some fruit caterpillars taste sweet

9. All students are asked to prepare for the test. Some students get good marks in the test. So:
a. All students prepare and get good marks.
b. Some students did not prepare and did not get good grades.
c. Some students did not prepare but got good grades.
d. All students prepared.

10. All the fish that you bought at the market yesterday were sea fish. All the fish that were sold at the Bintang shop yesterday were sea fish. Some of the marine fish that you bought at the market yesterday came from Bintang's shop. So :
a. All the fish ever sold at Bintang's shop were only sea fish.
b. Maybe yesterday I wanted to buy fresh fish from Bintang's shop.
c. Yesterday I only bought sea fish from Bintang's shop.
d. There's no way the Bintang shop sold fresh fish last week.

11. Some A is N. N is not U. Some A is not B is U. All N, B, and U are A; so :
a. All A is U not B .
b. All A is N not U.
c. All A is not N is not B.
d. Some A is not U, not B, not N.

12. If it is not true that "everyone is happy", then...
a. Everyone will be unhappy.
b. Not everyone understands happiness.
c. Some people will be happy.
d. Not everyone does not understand happy.

13. Maya always gifts expensive things. Andi is given a tie by Maya. So: .
a. Maya's tie is expensive.
b. Ties are expensive things.
c. Andi is always given expensive gifts.
d. There are no inexpensive gifts.

14. All children are good at singing. Some children are good at playing guitar. Some children who play guitar also blow the flute. So:
a. Children who are good at playing guitar are good at singing.
b. Some children are good at singing, playing guitar, and blowing the flute.
c. Children who are good at blowing the flute are certainly good at singing.
d. Children who are good at singing may not necessarily be able to play the flute.

15. All babies are breastfed. Some babies are given complementary foods. So:
a. All babies are breastfed and given complementary foods.
b. Babies who are breastfed are usually given food supplementary food.
c. Some babies drink breast milk and are given additional food.
d. Infants who are given additional food must drink breast milk.

16. Most of the radios sold in Aneka shop are transistor radios. Most farmers buy transistor radios. Last Thursday Sukarjo bought radios at Aneka shop. Sukarjo is the son of a farmer. farmer. So...
a. Sukarjo bought a transistor radio at the Aneka shop
b. Sukarjo is a regular at Aneka's shop
c. Sukarjo once bought batteries at the Aneka shop
d. Nothing is true

17. It's been more than a month Pak Dimin hasn't left his village. Many people from that village sewed clothes on him. A few days ago he caught influenza since last week until now. So :
a. There is no one outside the village who sews clothes for Pak Dimin
b. Pak Dimin is sick with influenza
c. Pak Dimin gets infectious disease seeds in his village
d. Pak Dimin only catches infectious diseases in his village

18. All living things die. I have a bougainvillea flower. Which of the following choices does not relate to the two statements?
a. My bougainvillea will die someday.
b. In the past, my bougainvillea had grown.
c. Flowers are part of living creatures.
d. Dirman Toba has red bougainvillea flowers.

19. A 20-watt fluorescent lamp is brighter than a 20-watt light bulb. Foreign-made 20-watt fluorescent lamps are more expensive than domestically-made 20-watt fluorescent lamps. Brighter or longer-lasting lamps cost more more expensive. So:
a. Domestically made fluorescent lamps are cheaper than foreign-made light bulbs.
b. 20 watt fluorescent lamps are more expensive than 20 watt light bulbs.
c 20 watt light bulbs foreign-made are more expensive than domestically-made 20-watt light bulbs.
d. Fluorescent lamps are 20 more expensive than 1000 watt light bulbs.

20. Mr. Ali saves travel costs from city A to city C. The route must be done with two flights, from city A to city B followed by city B to city C. Airline fares from city A to city B is more expensive than the airline Deer, but does not exceed the fare of the Snake airline. The fare of the Snake airline from city B to city C is less than the fare of the bird airline but the same as the fare of the Deer airline. The airline chosen by Mr. Ali on the two flights ...
a. Snakes and Deer
b. Birds and Snakes
c. Deer and Snakes
d. Deer and Birds

21. In a banquet, if fried rice is served then fried chicken is also served. If fried chicken is served then fruits are also served. So:
a. If fried chicken is served then fruit is also served.
b. If fried rice is not served then fruit is not served.
c. If fried chicken is not served then fried rice is also served
d. If fruits are not served then fried rice is not served.

22. All foreign tourists have passports. Some foreign tourists have Dutch passports. So...
a. Foreign tourists who have passports are Dutch tourists.
b. All foreign tourists have passports Netherlands.
c. Those with Dutch passports must be tourists.
d. Some foreign tourists do not have Dutch passports.

23. High school graduates are not necessarily students. Tini graduated from high school and applied to work at PT. Aneka. The personnel needed at PT. Aneka are not high school graduates. So:
a. Tini is not needed at PT. PT. Aneka
b. Tini is needed at PT. Aneka
c. Tini is not a student
d. There is no correct conclusion

24. All vehicles use petrol.
a. All motorcycles use petrol
b. All cars use petrol
c. Some cars use petrol
d. All vehicles using gasoline

25. Chicken meat is more expensive than beef. Beef is more expensive than buffalo. Goat brain is more expensive than beef. So :
a. Chicken brain is more expensive than meat chicken
b. Beef brain is more expensive than goat's brain
c. Goat brain is more expensive than buffalo meat
d. Chicken meat is more expensive than goat's brain

26. A young girl is always given toy dolls by her mother. Wati has a lot of dolls in her house. Wati's brothers and sisters don't like dolls. So :
a. Wati's brother and sister are all male.
b. Wati's sister does not often buy dolls by her mother.
c. All wati dolls are gifts from her mother
d. There is no correct conclusion

27. All bicycles have red lights. Some lights are red. So :
a. All bicycles have red lights.
b. Not all bicycle lights are red.
c . A red light is part of the equipment of all bicycles.
d. Some bicycles have a red light.

28. Students who do not like to play will pass with good marks. Ana passes with good marks. So :
a. Ana is a student who does not like to play.
b. All students who pass well do not like to play.
c. There is no relationship between graduation and the frequency of playing.
d. Only Ana graduated with good grades.

29. To be selected as an exemplary employee in a car factory, an employee must work diligently, excel, and have worked for at least 5 years. Mr. Harun is a very disciplined security guard, he has only worked for 3 years Last year he caught an employee's motorbike thief. Dewi is an administrative staff who often goes shopping during working hours, she has been working for 7 years. Pak Yanto has worked in the production division for 6 years, often getting permission because he feels unwell. Meanwhile Yeni works in the marketing department, her sales exceed the target, and has worked for 5 years. Endang is very diligent in coming to work, she is an administrative employee and has worked for 4 years. Who should be given the title of exemplary employee?
a. Pak Harun
b. Pak Yanto
c. Dewi
d. Yeni

30. High school graduates from all majors may take the UI Medical Faculty entrance exam. Most of those who pass the UI Medical Faculty entrance exam are from the science department. He was accepted at UI. Sumarto is a high school graduate majoring in social studies. He was accepted at UI. So...
a. Sumarto passed the entrance exam for the UI Faculty of Social Sciences.
b. Maybe Sumarto was not accepted at one of the faculties at UI.
c. Maybe Sumarto was accepted at UI. UI Faculty of Medicine.
d. It is impossible for Sumarto to be accepted at the UI Faculty of Medicine.

31. All principals are scholars. While principals are teachers. So :
a. While teachers are scholars.
b. While scholars are principals
c. While the teacher is the Principal.
d. All teachers are scholars.

32. All police officers are well-built. Some police are traffic police. So:
a. Traffic police must be well-built
b. There are police officers who are not well-built
c. All police officers must be traffic police.
d. Some traffic police are well-built.

33. Not all literature graduates speak French. Not all French literature graduates speak French fluently. All Indonesian graduates speak Indonesian fluently. Sunaryati is a German major. So :
a Sunaryati is fluent in German.
b. Sunaryati may not speak French fluently.
c. Sunaryati may not speak German fluently.
d. Sunaryati may speak German fluently.

34. All officials are not poor. All students cannot be fooled. So ....
a. Officials cannot be fooled.
b. Students are not poor.
c . Officials and students are not poor and cannot be fooled.
d. No conclusions can be drawn.

35. All animals are living things. All living things die. Apes are animals with tails. Not all animals with tails can climb. So :
a. Apes can climb trees.
b. Apes cannot climb trees.
c. Apes cannot die.
d. Apes will die.

36. All lecturers are scholars. While lecturers are linguists. So:
a. While linguists are scholars
b. While scholars are lecturers
c. While linguists are lecturers
d. All linguists are scholars

37. All students of SMA X are smart. Most of SMA X's students come from rich families. So:
a. All students who are smart are high school students of X.
b. Most SMA X students are rich and smart.
c. Most of the students who are rich and smart are high school students X.
d. Some high school students are rich and not smart.

38. All civil engineers are good at mathematics. Sarwono is not a civil engineer. So...
a. Sarwono is not good at mathematics
b. Sarwono is a scholar of literature
c. There is no right conclusion
d. Sarwono is good at mathematics

39. A good sportsman is sporting in their matches. A sportsman is not necessarily a sportsman. Abdullah Hasan is a lightweight boxing champion. Abdullah Hasan is an employee of Bank Andalas. A champion is not necessarily a sportsman in a match. So :
a. Abdullah Hasan may not be a good sportsman
b. Abdullah Hasan is sporty in his work
c. Bank Andalas has sporty employees
d. Abdullah Hasan is not a good sportsman

40. All scientists always have broad insight. The inspiration of a scientist who does not like to read. So:
a. The inspiration of a scientist who does not like to have broad insight.
b. Although do not like to read Inspiration has broad insight.
c. All scientists do not like to read.
d. Reading does not add insight to a scientist.

Sources : ggiklan.web.id, gratisiklan.web.id, iklan-online.web.id, iklansms.web.id, etc.

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Logical Reasoning 2