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Psychotest Practicing

Technical Ability

Technical ability psychological training is intended to measure and evaluate quantitative abilities and logic of analysis in general engineering fields.

Question Guide :
Choose one of the most appropriate answers based on the information provided. Then, the box in front of the question number, filled with letters a, b, c, or d as your answer choices. Do the easy first quickly and thoroughly. The time given is quite long, which is 60 minutes. When it's 60 minutes, stop immediately. Then please click "See the Results (Answer Key)", and you will know the value / result, and the answers that are FALSE and TRUE. --- Good Practice ---

Please fill in the boxes below with letters a, b, c, or d

1. Andri's car speed is 90 km per hour. Bogor-Jakarta distance is 60 km. If Andri departs from Bogor at 10, what time will Andri arrive in Jakarta?
a. 11.30
b. 11.00
c. 10.30
d. 10.40

2. An airplane covers a distance of 3 km in 15 seconds. What is the speed of the airplane?
a. 440 km/h
b. 520 km/h
c. 600 km/h
d. 720 km/h

3. Jatmiko walks from town A to town B at a speed of 8 km/h for 5 hours and he returns to town A by motorbike. What is the average speed of Jatmiko's entire journey when he returns from city ​​B to city A for 3 hours?
a. 5 km/hour
b. 8 km/hour
c. 10 km/hour
d. 12 km/hour

4. A running race is held with two stops. The distance from start to stop A is 2 km, between stop A and stop B is 7.5 km, and between stop B and stop B is 7.5 km. finish is 1.5 km. How many kilometers is the total distance covered in the race?
a. 10 km
b. 11 km
c. 12 km
d. 13 km

5. Wiwik departs from city P at 6:15 and arrives at city M at 9:45. If Wiwik drives his car at an average speed of 60 km/hour and rests for one hour to eat and drink, how many km are the distance between cities P and M?
a. 120 km
b. 135 km
c. 150 km
d. 155 km

6. Roni walks at a speed of 5 km per hour, after 20 km he runs until he reaches 60 km in 6 hours. How many km per hour is Roni's average speed?
A 10
b. 8
c. 6
d. 5

7. If the weather is foggy, a car travels at a speed of 30 km per hour. If the weather is good the car's average speed is 60 km per hour. How long does it take him to cover a road of length 210 km if 2 /7 (two-sevenths) of the trip the weather was bad foggy?
a. 3.5 hours
b. 5 hours
c. 4.5 hours
d. 4 hours

8. With 4 liters of gasoline a car can travel 32 km. If the distance to be covered is 56 km, how many liters of gasoline are needed?
a. 5 liters
b. 6 liter
c. 7 liter
d. 8 liter

9. In a study it was concluded that the ratio of PQ animals to the population of non-PQ animals was 5: 3 and that 3/8 of the PQ animals were male. What is the ratio? male PQ animal population to the total animal population ?
a. 2/2
b. 6/8
c. 8/14
d. 15/64

10. If the first wheel rotates 2 times then the second wheel rotates 5 times. How many times will the second wheel rotate if the first wheel rotates 6 times?
a. 11
b. 13

11. If the wheel rotates 9 times then the second wheel rotates 24 times. If the first wheel rotates 27 times, how many times does the second wheel spin?
a. 92 times
b. 82 times
c. 74 times
d. 84 times

12. Yandi walks to the North by covering a distance of 2/5 km in 5 minutes, what is the average speed of Yandi's journey in the next 1 hour?
a. 4.5 km
b. 4.3 km
c. 5 km
d. 4.8 km

13. If the diameters of wheels A and C = 10 cm and wheels B and D = 5 cm. If wheel A turns perfectly, wheel D will rotate by ?
a. 1 times
b. 2 times
c. 4 times
d. 6 times

14. In an experiment, several types of solutions were put into a test tube with the following steps:
- Solution A is added every 2 minutes as much as 5 cc
- Solution B is added every 3 minutes as much as 2.5 cc
- Solution C is added every 1 minute as much as 0.5 cc
At the beginning of the experiment the three solutions were added together. How much solution is put into the test tube when the solutions are added together for the fourth time?
a. 23 cc
b. 61 cc
c. 46 cc
d. 69 cc

15. If Silvi has been working on 20 questions from 08.30 to 12.00 then the average questions that Silvi does every half hour are:
a. 2
b. 2 ,5
c. 3
d. 3,3

16. In an auto race, a racer can cover a distance of 10 km in 6 minutes. What is the car's average speed?
a. 110 km/h
b. 100 km/hour
c. 90 km/hour
d. 60 km/hour

17. If a car is driven for 300 km, then the car will consume 15 liters of petrol per kilometer. How many km per liter must the speed increase so that the car only spends the same 121 miles?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7

18. A rectangular flower garden is 16 m long and 12 m wide. A road is built around the flower garden which is 3 m wide. How many square meters is the road?
a. 93
b. 168
c. 204
d. 186

19. Drew rides a car leaving at 07.00 from city A to city B with an average speed of 60 km/hour. Hasan rides a motorbike and leaves at 07.00 from city B to city A with an average speed 40 km/hour. If the distance between cities A and B = 350 km, then Drew and Hasan will meet at
a. 09.50
b. 10.30
c. 10.50
d. 11.35

20. If Ani walks 8 meters forward and back 4 meters back, how far is Ani from her original place?
a. 2 meters
b. 3 meters
c. 4 meters
d. 5 meters

21. At sea level, water boils at 100 degrees Celsius if the air pressure is normal. If the air pressure is less than normal, then water boils at a temperature lower than 100 degrees Celsius. areas that are located higher than sea level, air pressure is often lower than normal pressure. In this area will:
a. Always boils at 100 degrees Celsius
b. Always boils at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius
c. Often boils at temperatures below 100 degrees Celsius
d. Never boils at 100 degrees Celsius

22. Parking area is 176 m2, average area for sedan is 4 m2 and bus is 20 m2. Maximum capacity is only 20 vehicles, parking fee for car is Rp. 1000 one time parking and for bus Rp. 2000 one time parking. If in one hour there are no vehicles that go and come, then the maximum result for that parking space is...
a. Rp. 300,000
b. Rp. 260,000
c. Rp. 440,000
d. Rp. 340,000

23. A train departs from the city of Jogja to the city of Purwokerto at a speed of 50 km/hour for 4 hours. Meanwhile, another train departs from the city of Purwokerto to the city of Jogja for 5 hours. How many km/ the speed of the train departs from the city of Purwokerto?
a. 20
b. 25
c. 35
d. 40

24. Mita's house is 1.5 km from her school. If Mita walks an average of 4.5 Km per hour, how many hours does Mita take to walk to and from school in one week (one week is calculated 6 school days)?
a. 4 hours
b. 24 hours
c. 6 hours
d. 1/3 hour

25. One plot of land has a perimeter of 96 meters, 100 trees can be planted with corn. How long will it take to plant 50 corn trees if the width of the land is 6 meters?
a. 7 meters
a. 8 meters
c. 9 meters
d. 10 meters

26. The time in city A is 3 hours ahead of city b. An airplane departs from city A to city B at 5 am and arrives 4 hours later. At what time does the ship fly is in town B?
a. 2 am
b. 6 am
c. 4 am
d. 3 am

27. A project will be completed in x days, so the project cost per day will be 2x + (1000/x - 40 days) million rupiah. Minimum project cost is :
a. 500 million rupiah
b. 800 million rupiah
c. 880 million rupiah
d. 900 million rupiah

28. A car travels 120 km to a place with an average speed of 60 km/h. And returns to its original place at an average speed of 40 km/h. How many km/h average the total speed of the car?
a. 60
b. 54
c. 50
d. 48

29. Hilmy, Faris, Zidan each carrying a stick of 3 m, 4 m , 5 m. If the ends of the sticks are brought together on the ground, then the maximum land area is :
a 5 square meters
b. 6 square meters
c. 7 square meters
d. 8 square meters

30. A battery repair shop takes 5 hours to charge 3 batteries. How long will it take to charge 12 batteries?
a. 15 hours
b. 18 hours
c. 20 hours
d. 21 hours

31. A cylindrical container is filled with 1/3 of water, then 3 liters of water are added to the container, so that its contents are now 1/2. What is the capacity of the container?
a. 25

32. A dove flies 5 km to the West and then to the North. In which direction must the bird fly to get to its original place?
a. Southeast
b. South
c. Southwest
d. Northwest

33. Asep is a trader who has 6 stalls and each stall requires 5 liters of oil. One bottle contains 4 liters of cooking oil. One bottle of oil sells for Rp. 12,000 and one liter of oil sells for Rp. 5,000. What is the minimum amount that must be spent by Asep to buy cooking oil to meet his needs?
a. Rp. 84,000
b. Rp. 94,000
c. Rp. 96,000
d. Rp. 102,000

34. A swimming pool contains 300 cubic meters of water. The area of ​​the pool is 100 square meters. How deep is the pool?
a. 3 meters
b. 4 meters
c. 5 meters
d. 6 meters

35. An employee rides his motorbike 40 km to work every morning in 55 minutes. One morning he is 7 minutes late than usual, what speed must he travel to get him to work like usual time ?
a. 42 km/h
b. 45 km/h
c. 54 km/h
d. 50 km/h

36. A bird flies at an average speed of 25 km/h. What is the length of the path covered by the bird in 3 hours?
a. 75 km
b. 80 km
c. 82 km
d. 85 km

37. Dias Naruto traveled from Japan to Indonesia. In Indonesia, he departed by plane from Cengkareng, Jakarta to Jayapura. The plane took off from Jakarta airport at 20.00 local time and landed at Jayapura airport at 06.00 local time. If during the flight the plane stops at Surabaya and Makassar airports for 30 minutes each, how long will Dias Naruto's entire journey take?
a. 9 hours
b. 10 hours
c. 7 hours
d. 12 hours

38. A mouse deer can run at a speed of 80 km per hour. How many minutes will it take for a mouse deer to cover a distance of 8 km?
a. 9 minutes
b. 8 minutes
c. 7 minutes
d. 6 minutes

39. A piece of wood measuring 90 cm X 30 cm X 12 cm is cut into the largest possible cube. How many cubes can be made?
a. 6
B . 8
c. 10
d. 12

40. Rina covers 4/5 circles in x minutes. How long does it take Rina to cover one circle?
a. x/4
b. 5 x/4
c. 4 x/5
d. 5/4 x

41. Naufal bought a square sheet of plywood with an area of ​​169 sqm. He had to cut it 2 m on one side to properly cover the sides of a wall. What is the area of ​​the wall?
a 113 square meters
b. 121 square meters
c. 143 square meters
d. 145 square meters

42. A water vendor moves 900 liters of water from 1 tub into a drum. After the calculations, it turns out that there are only 870 liters of water left. It turns out that when moving water using buckets, each one decreases 3 liters. How much bucket used to move the water?
a. 8 buckets
b. 9 buckets
c. 10 buckets
d. 11 buckets

43. A piece of wood 40 meters long is cut into 2 parts where one is 2/3 the other. What is the length of the shortest part ?
a. 16 m
b. 18 m
c. 22 m
d. 24 m

44. The time in Jakarta is 3 hours earlier than in Abu Dhabi. A flight departs from Jakarta to Abu Dhabi 4 hours later. At what time does the airplane arrive in Abu Dhabi?
a. 2 am
b. 3 am
c. 4 am
d. 6 am

45. A new Honda car travels 15 km on 1 liter of fuel when the car is driven at 50 km per hour. If the car travels at 60 km per hour, the distance covered is only 80% How much fuel is needed to cover a distance of 120 km at a speed of 60 km per hour?
a. 8 liters
b. 6.4 liters
c. 9.6 liters
d. 10 liters

46. A busker can collect an average of IDR 6,000 per hour. How long does it take for a busker to earn IDR 50,000?
a. 7 hours
b. 7 40 minutes
c. 8 hours
d. 8 hours 20 minutes

47. A person walks from point x to the East 1 km then 2 km to the North, then 1 km to the East, then 1 km to the North, then 1 km to the East again, and finally 1 km to the North until he arrives at point y. How many kilometers is the distance between point x and point y?
a. 10
b. 5
c. 7
d. 6

48. If x = total weight of p squares each of which weighs q kg and y = total weight of q boxes each of which weighs p kg, then
a. x > y
b. x < y
c. x = y
d. x and y cannot be determined

49. A rectangular building has a volume of 162 cubic m. The long side is 6 m, the short side is 3 m. Find how many cm is the high side?
a. 600 cm
b. 700 cm
c. 800 cm
d. 900 cm

50. A stone carrier can transport 500 kg of stones in 5 days. The first day carries 90 kg, the second day 75 kg, the third day 120 kg, and the fourth day 30 kg. How many grams are he transported on the 5th day?
a. 185,000 grams
b. 180,000 grams
c. 175,000 grams
d. 165,000 grams

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